
Christian Studies and Ministry Certificate Program

The Christian Studies and Ministry Certificate Program offered at Olivet Seminary aims to equip members of Olivet Assembly with foundational knowledge of Bible and Theology, as well as skills necessary for ministry, so that they can be prepared for ordination, and to be effective leaders of churches, fellowships, and other ministries.


In the context of Olivet's mission, completion of the Christian Studies and Ministry program will enable students to:

  • Grow in likeness to Christ.
  • Develop biblically and theologically sound expository sermons within a historical context.
  • Evaluate contemporary moral and social issues by applying Biblical and theological principles.
  • Have professional competencies, particularly in missions and church ministry.


The program takes approximately one and half years to finish for full time students. For part-time students, the program should be finished within a maximum of three (3) years.


The program includes a total of 45 units.

1. Biblical Studies Requirement (16 units)

Students are required to take no fewer than 16 units of biblical studies courses from the following options:

  • 1) BIBL501 Old Testament I (4 units)
  • 2) BIBL502 Old Testament II (4 units)
  • 3) BIBL511 New Testament I (4 units)
  • 4) BIBL512 New Testament II (4units)
  • 5) BIBL520 Romans I (4 units)
  • 6) BIBL521 Romans II (4 units)

2. Theological & Historical Studies Requirement (16 Units)

Students are required to take no fewer than 16 units of Theological & Historical studies courses from the following options:

  • 1) HIST501 History of Christianity I (4 units)
  • 2) HIST502 History of Christianity II (4 units)
  • 3) THEO501 Systematic Theology I (4 units)
  • 4) THEO502 Systematic Theology II (4 units)
  • 5) THEO610 Christian Ethics (4 units)
  • 6) THEO600 Christian Apologetics (4 units)

3. Ministry Studies Requirement (4 Units)

Students are required to take no fewer than 4 units of Ministry studies courses from the following options:

  • 1) MINS600 Introduction to Mission (2 units)
  • 2) MINS700 Homiletics (2 units)
  • 3) MINS710 Pastoral Counseling (2 units)
  • 4) MINS760 Christian Leadership (2 units)

4. Electives Requirement (9 Units)

Students are required to take additional elective courses of their choice from any courses offered at the local seminary. The courses should be in the area of Bible, theology, or ministry.

5. Chapel and Internship Requirement (0 Unit)

  • Chapel and Internship (0 unit)


  • 1. High school degree or higher
  • 2. Pass the Foundational Bible Test of Olivet Seminary
  • 3. Serve as a cell group leader or more experienced minister
  • 4. Recommended by an Olivet Assembly pastor


  • 1. Finish all coursework with a 3.0/4.0 Cumulative GPA or higher.
  • 2. Pass all chapel courses.
  • 3. Pass the summative evaluation.

Christian Studies and Ministry Program

Obtain an outline of Bible, Theology and Ministry

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